Employee Wellness Programs are being implemented to promote health among employees. Employee Wellness Program (OP) goals are to educate, inform employee data and bring awareness to individual health and safety. Companies use wellness programs as a way to increase productivity and morale while, decreasing healthcare costs, absenteeism employee data and presentiment. Businesses large and small are facilitating activities and programs that focus on preventive health and health maintenance. Employers are also working to improve employees' quality of life and quality of work. These programs range from lunch and learn employee data sessions and personal nutrition consulting, to providing quiet rooms and fitness studios. Employees are motivated to participate through strategic marketing (allowing employee involvement in planning) and recognition.
Employees track progress in many areas employee data including blood pressure, blood glucose, body mass index, eating habits, physical activity level, and use of stress management techniques. Data is gathered through testing and reporting. Programming is now branching out and being presented in diverse ways including blogs, employee data e-newsletters and online reporting. Identifying employee health conditions and needs- This can be learned/discovered by conducting health risk appraisals on employees and analyzing company data such as health care costs, rate of employee absenteeism and its overall affect on company's workers' employee data compensation claims. National health data may also be used and compared to general employee demographics to obtain common health needs areas.
Assessing employee willingness to participate employee data in an employee wellness program- This is achieved by gathering information in the form of a survey covering what motivators, days/ times for program implementation and program areas that employees would prefer. Planning and presenting the program layout- Share program format employee data and processes with managers, company stakeholders and decision makers for buy in and support. Be sure to highlight how the program will benefit the company's bottom line. Focus on mission and program goals. Include a projected budget. Work in evaluation methods and health employee data screening procedures.